Emillie Eidson

Emillie Eidson

Co-Founder | Paid Search Specialist

Mother. Wife. Co-Founder. Paid-Search Specialist. A Wearer of Many Hats.

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Emillie watched her father 'work' from home during her formative years. She didn't know the details of the business but knew that he was always there to be a chaffuer or to attend the event. Fast-forward many years, and she now has to decide what to do with her life. The one thing she knew was that she wanted a family, and wanted to steward them well. The best way to do that was being a part of a industry/business that prides itself on flexibilty while working remotely. Emillie joined the family business after graduting from Tennessee Wesleyan University with a degree in Secondary Education: Biology. She has been efficiently managing ad spend for the past seven years. She is a mother to a one year old daughter and a wife to her loving husband Cody. She enjoys spending time in nature, reading, cooking, and spoling her three cats.