
Affordable solutions to eliminate wasted spend for any sized business.

$149 USD
/ month

Cost Savings Initiatives

Google Recommendation Dismissal
Click Fraud Protection (up to 1,500 clicks)
Click Fraud Monthly Reporting
Monthly Google Ads Performance Report
Mobile App Category Exclusions
Audience Expansion Check
Master Negative List 1,500+
Master Negative Placements 28K
YT Children's Content Exclusions
Initial Audit
Local Optimization
Featured Industry News Updates
Expensive Keywords/No Conv. Alert
Automated Placements/No Conv. Alert
Daily Ad Disapproval Check
Ad Status Change Alerts
Conversion Value MoM
Monitor Keyword Quality Scores
Daily Impression Check
Ad Extension Disapproval Check
Country Exclusions
Increase Bids To The First Page
Placement Exclusion Review
Monthly Budget Safeguards
Monthly Automatically Created Asset Check
Available Add-Ons
Additional Click Protection (1,500 clicks)
Additional Click Protection (3,000 clicks)
Additional Click Protection (6,000 clicks)
Additional Click Protection (10,000 clicks)
Auto-Applied Recommendation Settings Review
Search Query Research - Last 30 Days
Search Query Research - Last 60 Days
Search Query Research - Last 90 Days
Get Started with Essential
$ 399 USD
/ month

Monthly Account Health Check

Google Recommendation Dismissal
Click Fraud Protection (up to 1,500 clicks)
Click Fraud Monthly Reporting
Monthly Google Ads Performance Report
Mobile App Category Exclusions
Audience Expansion Check
Master Negative List 1,500+
Master Negative Placements 28K
YT Children's Content Exclusions
Initial Audit
Local Optimization
Featured Industry News Updates
Expensive Keywords/No Conv. Alert
Automated Placements/No Conv. Alert
Daily Ad Disapproval Check
Ad Status Change Alerts
Conversion Value MoM
Monitor Keyword Quality Scores
Daily Impression Check
Ad Extension Disapproval Check
Country Exclusions
Increase Bids To The First Page
Placement Exclusion Review
Monthly Budget Safeguards
Monthly Automatically Created Asset Check
Available Add-Ons
All Essential Add-Ons
Display Campaign Creation
Discovery Campaign Creation
Manual Google Ads Account Audit
Remarketing Campaign Creation
YouTube Campaign Creation
Get Started with Optimal
Custom Billing

Monthly Account Management

Google Recommendation Dismissal
Click Fraud Protection (up to 1,500 clicks)
Click Fraud Monthly Reporting
Monthly Google Ads Performance Report
Mobile App Category Exclusions
Audience Expansion Check
Master Negative List 1,500+
Master Negative Placements 28K
YT Children's Content Exclusions
Initial Audit
Local Optimization
Featured Industry News Updates
Expensive Keywords/No Conv. Alert
Automated Placements/No Conv. Alert
Daily Ad Disapproval Check
Ad Status Change Alerts
Conversion Value MoM
Monitor Keyword Quality Scores
Daily Impression Check
Ad Extension Disapproval Check
Country Exclusions
Increase Bids To The First Page
Placement Exclusion Review
Monthly Budget Safeguards
Monthly Automatically Created Asset Check
Available Add-Ons
All Optimal Add-Ons
Competitor Analysis
Keyword Research
PMax Campaign Creation
Search Campaign Creation
Contact Us

Are you looking to use Eliminate Wasted Spend from the very beginning?

Let's get you advertising in the most cost effective way.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Eliminate Wasted Spend offer a free trial?

No, due to the nature of the services offered. 

What’s the cancellation/refund policy?

You can cancel at any time. Click-fraud protection ceases when you cancel. There will be no refunds for any services provided.

Are there any contracts?

No, you are never required to sign any contracts.

How does it work?

When you subscribe you will receive some onboarding forms to complete. Once these answers are received, we will begin implementing the cost savings initiatives to your account. Once these initiatives are completed (within 1 one week after form submission) the savings will begin to occur in the account. You’ll have access to your own dashboard that contains reports and updates regarding your cost savings and PPC performance.

Another subscription?

Yes, I know another subscription. However, click fraud occurs daily and regular monitoring is necessary to protect your account & ad spend.

What happens if I cancel my plan?

When you cancel your plan any cost savings initiatives like click fraud monitoring and detection will cease. Other initiatives such as negative placements that have been added on your behalf will stay intact.

How long will it take before I start seeing savings?

The savings will start as soon as we begin implementing cost-saving initiatives to the account. You’ll receive a click-fraud protection report after your first month that details the amount saved by detecting fraud.

Saving You More Than You Pay Us? What’s the catch?

There really isn’t one. We know that businesses today have to have an online presence. We know that in a world that is fighting for attention, you need to make your mark in it but not everyone has ad spend that they can burn. We want to eliminate wasted spend for you and we want the service we provide to be affordable to everyone. The best way to do that is by aiming to save you more than you pay us.